Are you looking to elevate your fitness game? Let’s talk about SMART goals – a goal setting strategy that can keep you focused and on track to achieving your fitness aspirations. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

SMART goal setting is your roadmap to success.

Here’s how it works.


First off, be crystal clear about what you want to achieve. Instead of a vague “get fit” notion, pinpoint exactly what you’re after. Whether it’s shedding body fat or packing on muscle, specificity is key to staying focused. Still not sure how specific to get? Think numbers. For instance, run a 5k in under 35 minutes, increase bone density, drop 2 pants sizes, improve mobility and balance, etc.


Tracking your progress is crucial. Think in terms of tangible milestones. Want to lose weight? Set a target number and check in each week. Want to tone up? Measure those inches. Tangible markers keep you accountable and motivated.


Let’s keep it real. Is your goal within reach? While dreaming big is great, start with something manageable. If you’re aiming to shed pounds, ensure your timeline is both realistic and healthy. Sustainable progress is the name of the game. If your goal is to run your first race, an achievable goal could be to just finish the race or finish the race without walking. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to burnout, injury and/or lack of motivation.


Ask yourself: Is this goal aligned with my values and aspirations? It’s vital that your goal resonates with you on a personal level. Are you doing this for yourself or because of external pressure? Your intrinsic motivation is key to success. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, make sure it’s something you genuinely want to achieve and not just because others are doing it.


Lastly, give yourself a deadline. Setting a timeframe creates urgency and accountability. Whether it’s a weight loss target or a fitness milestone, having a clear endpoint keeps you on track and motivated. For instance, “lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks” or “run a 5k race in 3 months.”

In summary, SMART goals are a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal. While they’re not the only path to success, they provide structure, accountability, and a roadmap to achieving your aspirations. So, why wait? Embrace SMART goal setting and unlock your full fitness potential. If you want help in setting SMART goals, Prescription Fitness certified personal trainers are masters in SMART goal setting. Click here and fill out the form to get yourself one step closer to your fitness goals.

two blank white papers and a white labeled goals 2017 with an open pen white earbuds on blue and white jagged striped table cloth

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