By Elsie Velazquez Cert. Personal Trainer

Ahhh….the Holidays!!!  It is the best time of the year to reflect on our lives and to focus on the people that matter most to us.  I think it is fair to say that we will all be attending a few parties throughout the holiday season.  Parties are a great way to spend time with those we love and care about.  The downside is that while our bonds become stronger, our waistlines can become wider if we are not careful.   To feel great and have fun try these ten tips:

  1. Rest up the night before a holiday party by getting at least seven hours of sleep. A recent study found that after a short night’s sleep adults ate about an extra 300 calories and tended to choose higher-fat, higher-calorie foods. By getting enough sleep, you will make smarter choices.
  2. It is never a good idea to arrive at a holiday party on an empty stomach! You should aim to eat a healthy, balanced meal prior to the party to avoid giving into temptation and losing control.
  3. Choose your foods wisely. Instead of heading immediately to the calorie dense foods, scope out the fruit and veggies right away and load your plate with them. Most parties will have a fruit and veggie option. This is a great place to start and a way to load your plate without having to sample overly heavy dishes. Be sure to avoid the ranch or blue cheese style dips as they are very high in fat and calories.  Hummus is a much better choice.
  4. Pick nuts over cheese…at least nuts have healthy fats.
  5. Approach the dessert table with caution. I have come to the conclusion that it is hard to find a healthy dessert at most parties.  Also, if you know your willpower is non-existent, don’t even go there!  Find some sweeter fruits to munch on during dessert.
  6. Watch what you pour in your glass! Keep in mind that a serving of wine is only 5 ounces.  Don’t rely on just filling up a glass halfway, since many glasses are half full with 10 ounces of wine, which quickly turns that 125-calorie glass into a 250-calorie one.

7.         Use smaller plates when serving yourself.  It is a good way of tricking your brain into thinking you are eating more when you are not.  Use an appetizer or salad plate instead of a dinner plate and eat 40 percent less which means less calories overall.

  1. Take smaller sips and bites to trick your brain into eating 30 percent fewer calories. If you chew your food longer and eat slower, your brain thinks you’ve eaten more.
  2. Focus on the people, not the food. Remember that holiday parties and social functions are meant to be times to get together with loved ones. Get in the spirit of the holiday season by celebrating your personal relationships, and recognize that you’re not just there for the food.
  3. Get a workout in whenever you can! Even a 10 minute workout is better than not doing anything at all.  It will help boost your metabolism, alleviate stress, and keep your fitness goals on track.

I hope that these 10 tips are helpful to you – EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY!

Cast of the American tv show "The Office" at Christmas party Jim, Pam, Dwight in elf hat, Michael Scott in Santa hat, and Ryan holding green present

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