Written By Danielle Gymorie CRT PT

After a long workout in the gym, who has time for stretching?  Time is a precious thing, and not having enough of it is usually a good excuse.  You may think your workout is most important, but after doing some research on stretching, I’ve come to realize the benefits are worth the time spent.  Here are a few reasons why stretching is so important:

Helps improve flexibility

Increasing your flexibility will also increase the range of motion in your joints.  It may also improve performance in physical activities and decrease risk of injury.  Stretching before a workout allows the joints to move through their full range of motion during your workout, so that you can do the moves at full capacity.

Increases blood and nutrient supply

Stretching can promote circulation of your blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs, and can therefore help improve strength.  Proper circulation helps your muscles perform to the best of their ability and will flush out waste products like lactic acid.  The nutrients brought to the muscles through stretching will also help with muscle repair and decrease soreness to get you ready for your next workout.

Assists with correct posture

Tense and tight muscles can add to poor posture, which can affect how our internal organs function, and can lead to back pain and skeletal problems.  When performing a stretch, you should be stretching both sides equally; this will help keep the spine in alignment.  If one side seems tighter, you may need to stretch that side more often.

Increased energy levels

When you’re not moving, blood can pool to your extremities which can make you feel fatigued. Since stretching increases blood flow this can also act as a way to increase energy.  This influx of blood flow will increase the nutrients being sent to the muscles and brain to give you that boost of energy to help you through your day.

Stress/Pain relief

Stretching isn’t just for the body but the mind too.  It gives you the time to focus on your body and your breathing to help you relax and promote well-being.  Stress can increase muscle pain.  Muscle pain can be caused from insufficient blood flow which makes the muscles tense and stiff.  Stretching will increase the blood flow and also start the healing process.

There is a right and wrong way to stretch.

Dynamic stretches are best performed before a workout.  These stretches should be associated with the movements that will be utilized during the workout.  This should be about a 5-10 minute warm-up to help the muscles become more elastic. Static stretches are best performed after a workout.  These stretches should each be held for 10-30 seconds.  Make sure that each movement is performed properly and that each stretch is held properly to avoid any pain.  Although stretching may take a few extra minutes, it will be well worth the benefits!

Below are some examples of Stretches you can do. If you need additional assistance, contact us at info@prescription-fitness.com or call us at 440-552-6729 to set up an appointment.



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