After a long winter, it is time to get your hibernation body back in shape to hit the beach this summer! Whether you have a vacation planned, are ready to get back to the gym or just want to look your best for the upcoming summer months, now is the time to do it!

No matter what your level of fitness is, the moves listed below are for you. To ensure that the workout suits all and because some days you may feel more energetic than others, I am giving options for each move. Whichever option you choose, whether you do these moves at the gym , with a personal trainer, or in the privacy of your own home, perform 10 reps of each exercise before moving on to the next. Repeat the circuit two to four times.

Jumping Lunge & Core Twist

Adding a plyometric move to your workout will really add a challenge to your workout. Keeping your upper body lifted, perform alternating lunge jumps. Get in regular lunge position and explode through the feet/lower body and land softly into the alternating lunge position and twisting torso to opposite side.

Make it more challenging: Add a dumbbell or kettlebell and challenge yourself to stay balanced and centered.

Make it easier: Instead of jumping, take a big step back with your right foot. Bend your front knee so that left thigh is parallel to the floor and back right heel is lifted. Twist your upper body to the left, return to center and stand. Repeat on opposite side.

Goblet Squats

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart, your toes angled slightly outward. Hold a weight/Kettlebell in both hands at chest level. Engage your core and look straight ahead. Press hips back and lower into a squat.

Make it more challenging:  Increase the amount of weight you use.

Make it easier: Perform without weight if you are a beginner – clasp hands together and hold at chest level.

Mountain Climbers

Get into a plant position. Keep your hands directly under your shoulders and keep the core engaged. Bring your right knee into chest diagonally towards armpit, then bring left leg to chest diagonally. Continue alternating.

Make it more challenging: Increase the speed. Pretend you are climbing the highest mountain!

Make it easier: Keep it slow and controlled…take a break if you need it but don’t give up.

Curtsy Lunge with Lateral Raise

This cross-legged lunge version works the inner and out thigh muscles. Start by stepping one leg behind the other. Bend both knees and “curtsy.” The front knee should be aligned with the front ankle without the knee extending over the toe. Keep your palms in a soft fist and raise the arms laterally to shoulder height with each lunge.

Make it more challenging: Add weights to take the lateral raise up a notch.

Make it easier: If the motion of the curtsy lunge is uncomfortable for you, just do a backward-stepping lunge…keep or drop the weights.

Bicep 21s

This exercise involves 3 motions but should be done continuously.

Motion 1: Keeping your back straight, engage your core and contract your biceps to curl upwards halfway until your hands are in line with your elbows. Return to starting position. Repeat this half curl for seven reps.

Motion 2: Starting from a half-curl position with your hands in line with your elbows, contract your biceps to curl upwards until your hands are near your shoulders. Repeat this half curl for seven reps.

Motion 3: Bring your hands back down by your sides and contract your biceps to curl all the way up until your hands are near your shoulders. Repeat this full curl for seven reps.

Dumbbell Row with Tricep Kickback

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and place your left knee and hand on a bench so your hips and shoulders form 90-degree angles with your legs and arms. Keeping your back flat and core tight, bend your right elbow to lift the weight to the side of your chest, then raise the weight behind you until your arm is completely straight. Reverse the move to return to start. Finish all reps before switching arms.

Make it more challenging:  While in a plank position perform the same steps as above.

Make it easier: Separate the movements. You can simply do dumbbell rows without the tricep kickback.

If you are serious about getting your bikini body back in time for summer, try these moves! Of course, you should consult a personal trainer at Prescription Fitness or your gym if you are unsure of any of the moves and would like some guidance. Hiring a personal trainer ensures you reach your goals!

Girl in bikini on beach with flamingo

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