Lacing up your shoes and heading out for a run isn’t the only way to get a good cardio workout. Cardio, which stands for cardiovascular fitness, is a form of exercise that focuses on getting your heart rate up and keeping it up, for the duration of an exercise session.  Heading to a gym is also not the only option.  On days when you cannot meet with your trainer, you can rearrange your furniture (if needed) and workout in the privacy of your own home. Because of the pandemic in-home training has become more popular.  In-home training can be just as challenging as a gym session.  With the workout I am about to provide, you may not need much space, but you will need determination!

Below is a short but challenging in-home workout that you can do in your living room:

Minutes 0-1: Warm Up/Front Lunges

Clear a path in your living room and perform deep lunges. Start by stepping far forward with your right leg, bending your right knee until it’s over your right toes, and keeping your back leg straight. Push through the ball of your left foot and swing left leg far forward, landing in a low lunge on your left side. You will perform lunges for 60 seconds.

Minutes 1-3:  Side Lunges

Take a wide step to the right with your right leg, landing in a deep lunge (right knee bent over toes, left leg straight). Push off the side of your left foot to bring feet back together and come to standing. Step right again and repeat side lunges for 60 seconds. Switch to left side lunges for 60 seconds.

Minutes 3-5: Box Steps

Find a step stool or low chair and step up with your right leg.  Raise left knee up while contracting abs.  Step down and repeat for 10 reps. Do 10 box steps on your right as fast as you can; switch to do 10 on the left. That’s one set; do as many sets as you can for two minutes.

Minutes 5-9: High Knees/Butt Kickers

Start by running fast in place, hiking your knees as high as they will go – knees to chest height should be the goal – for 30 seconds. Immediately shift to butt kickers—running in place while “kicking” backwards (trying to hit your butt with your heel on every step). Do this for 30 seconds then switch to thigh knees again. Repeat this sequence four times.

Minutes 9-11: Hop the Bench

Stand facing that step stool, low chair, stack of books, small box, etc.  Instead of stepping up on the item of your choice as you did with box steps, you are going to crouch low, swing your arms, and jump over it. Once you are on the other side, turn around and jump back to the start. Do 10 jumps without stopping; take a 20-second breather, then do 10 more.

Minutes 11-13: Mountain Climbers

Get into plank position – your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and head in alignment.  Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can.  Switch legs, pulling one knee out and bringing the other knee in.  Keep your hips down, run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can. Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each leg change.  Do as many as you can, recover, repeat for amount of time.

Minutes 13-16: Squat Jumps/Wall Pushups

Start this full-body move with your feet hip-width apart and facing a wall.  Sink down into a squat, push through your heels and jump up in the air.  Be sure to land with soft knees, then immediately lean your weight forward, stretching your arms in front of you until you are supported by the wall. Bend elbows and do a wall push-up. As you straighten your arms, push off the wall and back to standing upright. Get ready for another squat.  Do as many reps as you can in the amount of time.

Minutes 16-18: Traveling Pushups

Traveling pushups are tough, but a great exercise.  They can be done on your knees or on your toes.  Get into a push up position with both hands on the floor under your chest.  Move your right hand and place it at a diagonal from your left hand. Your hands will now be staggered, and you will be at a slight diagonal. Perform a push up in this position. Move your right hand back to the center. Now move your left hand out to a diagonal and do a push up.

Minutes 18-20: Jumping Jacks

An oldie but goodie!  Jump legs apart, jump legs together. But instead of the traditional arms up/arms, you’re going to keep your arms raised in the air the whole time (increases your heart rate). Repeat for two minutes.  You can make this more challenging by jumping faster or by integrating a lightweight objects or light weight in each hand for extra resistance.

Hope you made it through this workout!  There are many ways to stick to your fitness goals with a combination of in-home workouts, virtual workouts, and of course with a great trainer at Prescription Fitness!

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