Many people wonder whether it’s better to complete their entire workout in one session or split it up throughout the day. According to Prescription Fitness, it ultimately depends on the individual’s goals, schedule, and fitness level.


Here are some key points to consider:

  • For resistance training, it’s generally recommended to complete the entire workout at once, as this is the most efficient way to achieve your goals.
  • If you need to split up your workout, make sure it still fits into your schedule and is planned out accordingly.
    • A good example is to do cardio in the morning, and strength training later on or vise versa.
  • For fat loss goals, doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can be beneficial, as your body will more quickly tap into stored fat for energy.
  • However, if you’re focused on performance goals, fueling with proper nutrition before a workout can help improve your times and overall performance.


Ultimately, the best approach to working out is one that fits your individual needs and goals. Prescription Fitness offers personalized training and guidance to help you achieve your fitness goals efficiently and effectively.


If you’re ready to start your fitness journey, visit to learn more about their services and get started today.

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