Guess What? – men and women are different.  Even when it comes to losing weight and burning fat men do tend to have an easier time of it then women do.  There is a very genectic reason why.   Testosterone, the male hormone that causes hair growth, deeper voices and other male primary and secondary sexual characteristics also regulates muscle mass.  Men, generally speaking, have greater muscle mass  and can build greater muscle mass easier because of the higher testosterone levels.  The higher your muscle mass the quicker and easier you burn fats.

Women have lower testosterone levels and other female hormones that tend to make the body retain fat.   This is just a fact and cannot be changed.  Any couple that has trained side by side like my wife and I have or have entered a weight loss program together will tell you that the man always takes weight off quicker than the woman.

Men and women also approach  problems differently.   This includes the outlook on weight loss too.  Men tend to be linear thinkers and take a more businesslike approach to weight loss, while women are multi-taskers who become more emotionally involved in weight loss.

This does not mean that women are not capable of losing weight successfully.  I have helped plenty of women who have come through the door at our personal training center  lose 50, 75, even over 100lbs and have kept it off.  Which might be the real success anyway.  I have known men who lose weight a little faster, but without staying on a long-term program have also put the weight back on quicker.

So  what should women do?  Focus on the way you mentally approach your weightloss:

  • Stay positive.  Don’t use the slower pace as an excuse to not try.
  • Know that weight-loss strategies do work.  Don’t give up on your program
  • Start believing that you can do it.  Set goals for yourself and stay focused on those goals.
  • Understand your challenges and limitations. Set yourself up for success by preparing for roadblocks that may get you side tracked and figure out in advance how you will overcome them.

So even though your spouse or boyfriend maybe be fitting better into his jeans quicker, just remember the the story of the tortoise and hare!

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