You’re ready to make some changes in your life, set some health goals for yourself. So you Google: “How to lose weight?” One search and you start getting bombarded with headlines:

Lose 20 pounds fast!

Drop 10 pounds in 1 week: Go Vegan

30-30-30 Diet is Going Viral.

Resistant Starch Supplements May Help People Lose Weight

Should You Take Ozempic 

Then there are the diets.

Low-fat, Atkins, Ketogenic, Palo, Zone, Dash, Intermittent fasting, Vegetarian, Vegan, Mediterranean, etc.

Add in the social media fitness influencers and it becomes overwhelming, overcomplicated and frustrating. Are you tired of hearing about fad diets and get-slim-quick scams that promise the world but deliver nothing but disappointment? We get it. Let’s face it – losing weight and keeping it off isn’t something that happens overnight or even in 30 days. Long term weight loss takes consistency, dedication, and yes, a bit of time. But fear not, because we’re here to guide you through the process with some expert advice that actually works. So, if you’re ready to ditch the gimmicks and embrace a healthier lifestyle for good, keep on reading!

The Best Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off: Expert Advice

Setting Realistic Goals

First things first, let’s talk about goals. It’s essential to set realistic, S.M.A.R.T goals that you can actually achieve. Forget those crash diets promising instant results. Instead, aim for small, manageable changes in your diet and exercise routine. Trust us; slow and steady wins the race! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “People with gradual, steady weight loss (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more likely to keep the weight off than people who lose weight quickly.” Therefore a realistic goal for weight loss is to lose 4 to 8 pounds a month. 

Prioritizing Nutrient-Dense Foods

nutrient-dense food help with weight lossNow, let’s talk about what you’re putting into your body. Focus on filling your plate with nutrient-dense foods. The National Cancer Institute defines nutrient-dense foods as food “high in nutrients but relatively low in calories. Nutrient-dense foods contain vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. Examples of nutrient-dense foods include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free milk products, seafood, lean meats, eggs, peas, beans, and nuts.”

These goodies not only keep you full and satisfied but also give your body the fuel it needs to thrive. Some of the top nutrient-dense foods are salmon, sardines, kale, seaweed, garlic, shellfish, potatoes, liver, berries, eggs, bitter melon, cocoa and dark chocolate.

Incorporating Regular Physical Activity

Moving your body is crucial for both weight loss and overall health. But hey, we’re not saying you have to spend hours at the gym every day. Nope, just aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 30 minutes five days a week. What is moderate exercise? Any movement that gets your heart rate up 50% to 60% higher than your resting heart rate. Moderate exercises include weight training, walking, biking, swimming, running, water aerobics, pickleball, hiking and walking stairs. Other activities include washing your car, raking leaves, dancing, gardening, and cleaning the house.

personal trainer helping lady with weight lossGet creative with it and start small. If you are just starting out, aim for 10-20 minutes a day for the first week or two, then increase the following weeks based on how you feel. Sprinkle in moderate exercise throughout your day too. If you can, walk or bike to the store instead of driving. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park farther away from your destination to get more steps in. Incorporate after dinner walks into your daily routine.

Tracking Food Intake and Progress

Keeping tabs on what you eat can be a game-changer. Start a food diary to track your eating habits and identify areas for improvement. We always recommend starting here before “dieting” or modifying your eating habits. Track your food intake for a week. Literally write down or use a food tracking app, every food or drink you put into your mouth. Log what you ate/drank, how much of it you ate/drank, when you ate/drank it and what you were doing during eating/drinking it. And be honest! If you ate the last handful of goldfish crackers your kid didn’t eat or just one Hershey kiss, log it.

After a week, review your food log. How many calories are you eating a day/week? What types of food are you eating? When do you eat the most? Analyzing your normal or regular food behaviors and patterns will help you to make the diet modifications necessary to help you lose weight.

Practicing Portion Control and Mindful Eating

After you tracked your food for a week and reviewed it, a good starting point to diet modification is with portion control. Ah, portion control – the secret sauce of weight loss. Pay attention to how much you’re eating and try not to go overboard. Using smaller plates and avoiding eating straight from the container can help. Oh, and speaking of containers, put that bag of chips down and savor each bite mindfully. Trust us; your taste buds will thank you!

Celebrating Successes and Staying Motivated

moderate exercise helps in weight lossLast but not least, don’t forget to celebrate your successes along the way! Every pound lost, every healthy meal enjoyed – it’s all worth celebrating. And hey, if you hit a roadblock or slip up, don’t beat yourself up about it. Losing weight almost never happens in a straight line down. Your weight loss journey will most likely ebb and flow weekly. If your starting weight is 160 lbs, after week one you could weigh 158 lbs, week two 159 lbs, week three 157 lbs and week four 156 lbs. Total monthly weight loss was 4 lbs but one pound was gained from week one to week two, and that’s ok. 

Remember, we’re all human and setbacks happen. Just because you have a bad day of eating or go on vacation and indulge, it only derails your progress forward if you stop completely. Just dust yourself off and keep pushing forward!  And you don’t have to be perfect. Try to stick to your healthy eating habits for at least 80% of the time. 

No Quick Fix

It is consensus that the main reason diets fail is that they are too restrictive. Extremely low calorie diets and fast weight loss methods are discouraged. Your body needs food to operate. Super restrictive diets might make you lose weight immediately, but over time it becomes harder to sustain. Your body will want more. 

Fueling your body with the proper nutrition and physical activity are vital for long term weight loss. 

Find a Support System

support system helps people lose weightNavigating a weight loss or health journey alone is nearly impossible. Having a support system in place can increase your chances to long term success. Let family and friends know your goals and celebrate milestones with them. Seek out professional help like your doctors, personal trainers, dietitians and therapists. Find a workout buddy, like a personal trainer, who will work with you towards your goals. 

So there you have it – the ultimate guide to losing weight and keeping it off. Remember, it’s not about perfection or gimmicks; it’s about progress and time. Take it one day at a time, stay consistent, and trust the process. And if you’re ready to hire an expert to help you with your weight loss goals, fill out our Free Fitness Assessment Form to get started. See you at the top!

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