Breathing correctly during workouts is more than just a good practice; it’s a cornerstone of effective exercise. At Prescription Fitness, we emphasize the importance of proper breathing techniques to enhance your workout’s efficiency and safety. Understanding the relationship between breathing and movement is key.




There are two main types of movements in weight training: concentric and eccentric.

  • A concentric movement is when the muscle contracts, such as lifting a weight during a bicep curl.
  • An eccentric movement is when the muscle lengthens, like lowering the weight back down.
  • The general rule of thumb is to exhale during the concentric (hard) part of the exercise and inhale during the eccentric part.

Incorrect breathing, like holding your breath, can lead to a dangerous spike in blood pressure. A simple tip to ensure you’re breathing correctly is to exhale with each count during the effort phase of the exercise. Saying the number of your reps aloud as you exhale can help keep you on track. While it may feel odd to vocalize during a workout, it’s a useful method to maintain proper breathing.

We at Prescription Fitness are dedicated to not just guiding you in your workouts but also ensuring you do them safely and effectively. Proper breathing is a small but critical part of this process.

Breathing Highlights to Remember:

  • Exhale during the effort (concentric) phase and inhale during the release (eccentric) phase of an exercise.
  • Avoid holding your breath to prevent a spike in blood pressure.
  • Vocalizing rep counts can help maintain correct breathing rhythm.

For more tips on effective and safe workout practices, including proper breathing techniques, visit Prescription Fitness. Our extensive video library covers everything from exercise to nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. Let us help you make your fitness journey as efficient and healthy as possible.

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