Meet Nancy Pound, a diligent 71-year-old who embarked on a remarkable personal training fitness journey with Prescription Fitness over four years ago. Nancy’s story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and a commitment to prioritize her health and well-being.

Making Health a Priority, Nancy Found the Benefits of Personal Training

Nancy’s fitness journey began after years of caring for her family members, putting her own health on the back-burner in the process. When her loved ones passed away, Nancy knew it was time to prioritize her own well-being. She joined the Medina Recreation Center where, at an open house, she stumbled upon Prescription Fitness. Intrigued by what they had to offer, Nancy decided to sign up for their free fitness assessment and workout, marking the beginning of her transformative journey.

The Impact of Personal Training

client performing dead bug exercise during personal training workout

Nancy executing stability ball dead bug exercise to strengthen her core.

For Nancy, personal training with Prescription Fitness has been life-changing. It has not only built her physical strength and improved her flexibility and balance, but has also boosted her confidence and discipline. Initially unsure about exercising beyond walking, Nancy found personal training to be a guiding light, helping her navigate the world of fitness with proper techniques and personalized programs. “It has been a map to guide me through the right exercises for me to do.” said Nancy. 

Strength Training and Beyond

Strength training has been a game-changer for Nancy, enhancing her everyday life activities and giving her a newfound sense of confidence. From lifting two or three-pound weights initially to deadlifting and bench pressing significant weights now, Nancy’s progress is a testament to her dedication and the expertise of her certified Prescription Fitness personal trainer, Mike Vertal.

Favorite Aspects of Working Out

What Nancy loves most about working out is the guidance and support she receives from her trainer, Mike. Feeling safe and accountable during her workouts, Nancy appreciates Mike’s ability to explain exercises clearly and keep her motivated and challenged. Nancy explained, “I feel safe, I don’t feel like I’m going to hurt myself. Which I’m sure I would do if I was out there by myself on the floor.”

The Four Year Journey

Nancy performing a deadlift under her personal trainers guidance

Nancy performing an 80 lbs deadlift with guidance from Prescription Fitness trainer, Mike Vertal.

Nancy Pound’s four-year fitness journey with Prescription Fitness has been nothing short of remarkable. Starting with just two or three-pound weights, Nancy initially had limited experience and confidence in her ability to strength train. However, under the guidance of her dedicated trainer, Mike, she gradually progressed to deadlifting and bench pressing substantial weights. From deadlifting 75 to 80 pounds to achieving an impressive milestone of 100 pounds, Nancy’s journey exemplifies her incredible dedication and perseverance. What began as unfamiliar territory for Nancy, with exercises like deadlifting and bench pressing, has now become a testament to her newfound strength and confidence. With Mike’s expert guidance and unwavering support, Nancy has defied her initial expectations and embraced a level of strength and capability she never thought possible.

Future Goals and Aspirations

Looking ahead, Nancy has exciting plans for her fitness journey. From exploring new activities like pickleball to hiking around Ireland on a planned trip, Nancy’s improved physical condition has opened up a world of possibilities for her retirement years.

Advice for Others

For individuals in a similar age bracket or life stage, Nancy offers valuable advice: prioritize self-care and seek support if needed. Hiring a personal trainer, she believes, can make a significant difference in staying accountable and committed to a fitness routine. Nancy stated, “I know if I wasn’t doing [personal training] I would not be exercising because I wouldn’t have a clue what to do.”

Nancy Pound’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of personal training and the importance of prioritizing one’s health at any age. Through dedication, guidance, and a positive mindset, Nancy has not only improved her physical well-being but also unlocked new adventures and possibilities in her golden years.


Prescription Fitness trainer, Mike Vertal, trains Nancy Pound at Medina Recreation Center. If you are interested in starting a fitness journey of your own with Prescription Fitness, fill out the Free Assessment Form to get started.

nancy with prescription fitness personal trainer mike vertal

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