Navigating nutrition for women over 40 can be a unique challenge, but it’s one that we at Prescription Fitness understand deeply. As our bodies evolve, so too must our dietary habits to support optimal health.


For women entering this vibrant stage of life, it’s crucial to focus on a diet that’s rich in calcium and iron—two minerals that are vital for maintaining strength and vitality.

  1. Calcium isn’t just found in dairy products like cheeses; it’s also abundant in plant-based sources such as tofu and spinach.
  2. Iron, necessary for preventing anemia and supporting overall energy levels, can be sourced from red meats and shellfish, with spinach again serving as a powerful plant-based contender.

We recognize that not everyone has a taste for greens, which is why we suggest creative culinary hacks, like adding frozen spinach to smoothies for a nutrient boost without the flavor. Additionally, supplementing your diet with calcium and iron can be a smart move, especially as you approach menopause and the risk of bone density issues like osteopenia or osteoporosis increases.

At Prescription Fitness, we combine our expertise in exercise with our knowledge of nutrition to create holistic wellness plans tailored for women over 40.

If you are approaching or over 40, remember:

  • Optimal nutrition for women over 40 should include calcium and iron.
  • Creative solutions like adding frozen spinach to smoothies can enhance nutrient intake.
  • Supplements can be beneficial for those not getting enough minerals through diet alone.

Are you a woman over 40 looking to optimize your nutrition? Let Prescription Fitness guide you to a stronger, healthier you. Visit us for personalized nutritional advice and fitness strategies that work. Your wellness journey is just beginning—embrace it with Prescription Fitness.

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