Plyometrics or “Plyos” for short is a type of exercise that trains the muscles to produce power with very quick and powerful movements. It involves a stretch of the muscles followed immediately by contraction of the same muscle. This type of training involves quick, high impact movements while exerting near maximum levels of force. Plyometric training is most commonly used by athletes to increase their overall power and explosion for peak performance. However, plyometric training can be used for the general training as well. Over the course of this article today I will be going over the benefits as well as some must know safety tips to ensure your experience with plyometric training is a safe and effective one.

Plyometric exercises can be challenging especially at first but when done correctly bring a wide range of benefits. The first and most common benefit is the ability to increase your overall speed, strength, power and agility. This most commonly needed in athletes, is critical to gaining an edge on the field. This extra explosion of power or agility can be the difference down the stretch of a key part of the game. Plyometric training also has the ability to reduce the risk of injury in both sports and at the gym. Most injuries occur when the body stretches beyond its normal range of motion. Plyos increase the bodies ability to absorb shock and thus allow for further stretching of the muscles, resulting in less injuries. This is especially important when playing high impact sports. Plyometric training is also great for weight loss and burning calories. The physical demand of plyo training is much more demanding than moderate intensity workouts. This increased demand across the entire body creates a high intensity exercise over a shorter period of time, resulting in a higher cardiac output and muscle stimulation. So, while plyometric training is geared towards athletes and rightfully so, the benefits extend to the general population as well and should be given a shot in your workout routine.

So as I stated earlier, plyo training is widely used with athletes in their efforts to achieve their peak athletic performance. Here are some examples of plyometric exercises that athletes can use to reach their peak performance on the field. Box jumps, squat jumps and broad jumps are great for lower body strength training. The explosive forces exerted with these exercises make them optimal for lower body plyometric training. While plyo push ups, medicine ball slams and throws target the upper body. All of which are explosive upper body exercises that are designed to increase power and strength. If you are interested in plyometric training try these six exercises and watch the results fast!

Now as beneficial as plyometric training can be, there are risks that everyone should be aware of. Since plyo exercises are high impact at maximum effort, we need to be experienced in the movements you are performing prior to trying the plyo version of them. Have a good understanding of your limitations and do not push your limits. Warming up properly before hand is also very important. Make sure your muscles are loose and able to tolerate the work about to be performed.

All in all, Plyometric training is a great way for athletes to maximize their performance on the field. Plyometrics will improve your overall strength and power while also increasing speed and agility, giving you that extra edge when you need it the most. But as you can see they are not just for the athletes. Give plyometrics a try but remember to always take safety precautions and make sure your body can handle the additional stresses. Have fun!bout how much time you spend in the gym but rather what you did during that time.

Young man exercising outdoors

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