There are varying opinions on pretty much every supplement and depending on who you ask, they answer will likely vary. Some believe they are a much added benefit for health and sometimes a necessity and some believe that with a healthy balanced diet supplements are
unnecessary, a waste of money and some even potentially harmful. Like everything there is some middle ground on this topic and every supplement and every individual is different. It is important however to understand that even if you take supplements daily it is important to get vitamins and other nutrients from actual food, supplements are supposed to “supplement” your diet not be the only source. All of the following supplements have been studied by the American College of Sports medicine.

Potential benefits: Increase muscle strength and endurance and lean muscle mass
Dietary sources: meat and fish
Possible side effects: Weight gain, muscle cramping
Dose: 2-5grams daily

Sodium Bicarbonate
Potential benefits: Delays fatigue
Possible side effects: Diarrhea, cramps, bloating
Dose: 2-5grams daily

Potential benefits: No true benefits unless pre-existing nutrient deficiency
Possible side effects: Some toxicities at high doses.
Beneficial for those who are insufficient in certain vitamins including vegans, “junk food’ eaters
and those with eating disorders.

Vitamin D
Potential benefits: Improved muscle performance
Possible side effects: Insufficient Vitamin D can lead to fatigue, weakness and joint pain.
Dietary sources: The sun, salmon, tuna, egg yolk, mushrooms

Potential benefits: Increases muscle contractility, enhances fat metabolism, energy
Dietary sources: Coffee beans, tea leave, cocoa beans

Potential benefits: Increase muscle growth and repair
Dose: 20-30grams per serving
Dietary sources: Chicken, lean beef, eggs, beans, etc.

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