If you’re working out or considering starting to work out, you might ask yourself if you should train your entire body in one session or split up your days by the different muscle groups. Keep reading below to find out the answer.

Which One Is Better?

This all depends on your personal goals and timeframe. For those starting, a full-body workout is beneficial as you will gain muscle and strength faster throughout your entire body versus splitting up your days and concentrating on a specific muscle group. If you’re starting a fitness program, you don’t want to injure yourself. Take things slow and work your way up to split days.

For individuals looking to pack on muscle mass and who’ve trained before, split-day workouts might be more effective in helping them gain muscle at a steady pace. It is common for people to use split workout programs to maximize muscle growth and reduce the amount of rest they have to take during the week.

This does not mean you can’t do both. Including full-body workouts and muscle isolation exercises in your workout routine is possible – you can do both simultaneously if you have a trainer with good programming.

Learn More About Which Workout Routine Is Right For You

Working out should not be a difficult task. Choosing the right program starts with talking to one of our professionals. To come in for a FREE personal training session, click here. To contact us today about our programs and trainers, click here.

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