It is known that cardio training consists of several different exercises which do not require any weights. However, strength training also consists of exercises you can perform without needing any weights.

At Home Exercises

When making a training plan, some clients do not have the time to come to the gym all seven or five days of the week, so the trainers tend to add an exercise at-home day so that they do not have to come to the gym to exercise.

One such exercise that does not require any weights is squats, which are great for strengthening your hip muscles, knees, and ankles.

Additionally, other exercises, such as push-ups and bands, do not require any weights and can be easily done at home.


There are many band exercises, such as continuous loops or circular bands, which are great for building up your core strength, and all they require is a suspension trainer that is not that expensive.

The suspension trainer is a prime example of a mechanism that lets you do strength exercises without resorting to weights. Curious to know more? Visit our website now!

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