There are numerous gyms out there, making it that much more challenging to choose the right one. As a gym and organization that has been around for nearly 20 years, how does Prescription Fitness differ from the other gyms?



Why Choose Prescription Fitness?

We start things off right from the very start. We don’t just put you in a program and expect you to learn as you go. We make sure to start you off on the right track by having a FREE consultation session to determine where you are regarding fitness. We want to know you better and discover your ultimate end goal.

We kick things off with a survey to determine your goals, health, likes, dislikes, injuries you may have, and so much more. We then work with your timeframe and budget to create a customized fitness program that fits your daily life.

At Prescription Fitness, we approach your goal through a team effort and make sure you stay accountable as you move towards your fitness goal. We work with you one-on-one, but we can also work with couples, siblings, and even small groups. Our certified trainers work with you, but our staff also makes sure you have everything you need to stay motivated and focused throughout your fitness program!

Learn More About Prescription Fitness

Call us today at 440-530-6934 or click here to schedule an appointment and get a consultation!

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