Written By Elsie Velazquez Cert. Personal Trainer Prescription Fitness

Bleachers provide a challenging workout session. If you enjoy being outdoors and are looking for something new to step up your “game”, consider heading to your local high school stadium for a bleacher workout. You can improve your cardiovascular system, aid in weight loss, enhance your strength and increase your muscular endurance.

By utilizing a set of bleachers, you can challenge your entire body – upper, lower, and core.  The cardio aspect is an added bonus.  There are many different workouts that can be done on the bleachers, depending on what you are trying to focus on, a bleacher workout can be aerobic or anaerobic, it can be done to build muscle or to slim up.  Running bleachers can even be done to focus on improving speed or endurance.

Upper Body Workout


Start with your feet on a bleacher height that is comfortable. Complete 15 push-ups, ensuring the back is flat and core is tight.

  1. Tricep Dips

Start in a sitting position, palms down and facing towards your body on a bleacher. Lift body, then lower for a total of 15 slow reps.

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Sprint from the bottom to the top of the bleachers and back down for a total of 3 minutes.

*Repeat 3 to 4 times

Lower Body Workout

  1. Raised Squats

Place right leg 1-2 steps higher than the left leg. Lower into a deep, wide squat and return to starting position. Do 15 on one side, then switch legs and do 15 more on the other side.

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Sprint from the bottom to the top of the bleachers and back down for a total of 3 minutes.

  1. Lunge w/ reverse kick

Start with right leg 1-2 steps higher than the left leg. Lower into a lunge and return to starting position. Immediately raise the left leg behind you to a 90 degree angle, engaging the glute. Repeat 30 times, alternating legs.

  1. Squats

Lower into a deep, wide squat. Return to starting position and repeat for a total of 30 reps!

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Repeat #2

  1. Lunge w/ Leg Lifts

Start with right leg 1-2 steps higher than the left leg. Lower into a lunge and return to starting position. Immediately raise the left leg in front of you and towards the chest, engaging the abs. Repeat 30 times, alternating legs.

Repeat 2 to 3 times

Core Workout

  1. Leg Lifts

Rest on elbows with hands by your sides. Engage the abs, then raise legs together and return to starting position (without touching heels to the bench). Repeat 20 times!

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Sprint from the bottom to the top of the bleachers and back down for a total of 3 minutes.

  1. Scissors

Similar to leg lifts, but hold the raised leg position and alternate raising one leg as you lower the other 20 times.

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Repeat #2

  1. Russian Twists

Bring legs to table top position and engage abs. Bring hands to the right side, touch the bench, then repeat on the other side. Alternate for a total of 30 reps!

  1. Leg Dips

Similar to the position for the russian twists, bring legs to table top and place hands by your side. Dip legs to the right, engaging the abs. Return to starting position, then dip on the left. Alternate for a total of 30 reps!

  1. Bleacher Sprints

Repeat #2

Repeat 2-3 times

Please keep in mind that bleacher work can be pretty intense.  Start with a warm-up, listen to your body, and HAVE FUN!

Young woman in gray and black running up empty bleacher steps

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