There are three main ingredients in any successful exercise program; cardiovascular training, resistance training, and NUTRITION.  When all three components are focused on equally your progress will be much faster.  Eating “right” seems to be the tough part for most people.  This article will give you 5 great tips to help you get on track.

  1. Plan It/ Log It: Set yourself up for success by planning your meals out each day.  Take 10 minutes to think about your day and pack what you will need while you are at work or on the road.  Use the following tips to help you piece together the meals and snacks you need for your day.  Also keep a food journal with you at all times and write down everything that goes in your body.  This will hold you accountable and make you much more aware of what you are eating.  Like that protein bar you thought was a great healthy snack but really had 20 grams of sugar in it.  Have a plan and review your success, make small changes over time and you will see you’re the benefits.
  2. Lean and Green:  Aim to ingest a lean protein and a vegetable for every meal or snack.  Your body does not store protein so you need to make sure you are getting a good source throughout the day to help preserve and build lean muscle.  Vegetables are a nutrient packed-low calorie food that your body needs to stay healthy.  Adding a piece of fruit is great but remember many fruits are packed with sugar so eat fruit in moderation but make sure you are always eating your veggies!
  3. Carbohydrates: Yes the dreaded carbohydrates. It is no doubt you need carbs in your diet.  They are the fuel for your body so eat them when you need to fill up your tank.  Eat them early in your day so you have the energy you need and the whole day to burn them off. What you do not use, you store as fat.  Post workout is also another time you need carbohydrates.  Your body needs them to restore energy and help you recover from your workout.  This does not mean a pasta binge after a run.  Be smart and use fruits and long lasting whole grains when you a fueling up in the morning or refueling after a great workout.
  4. Liquid Sabotage: Do not drink your calories.  Many people make the mistake of chugging down high calorie fruit juices or sports drinks in their day.  Drinking your calories is the fastest way to boost your intake over the top for the day.  Get rid of the diet soda too.  Though it says 0 calories what happens to all those chemicals?  That’s another topic for another day, but you just don’t need it. Find your caffeine fix somewhere else.
  5. Common Sense:  We all have a good general idea of what to eat and what not to eat.  Follow your “gut” instinct and put down the junk.  If you think it might be bad for you, it most likely is.

Remember it takes self discipline and commitment to reach your goals.  If you think you might need some help, you can visit one of our three Cleveland area location or contact one of our staff members though our website contact page. We are here to help get you to the top!

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